Spinning a Lifeline in Zapotec Lands (Tejiendo un Salvavidas en Tierras Zapotecas)/ English-Spanish.

Esperanza Project/June 18, 2020.

High up in the southern sierra of Mexico’s state of Oaxaca, an innovative nonprofit business inspired by Mohandas Gandhi is helping Indigenous Zapotec families to weather the economic storm that COVID-19 has brought to the Mexican countryside

“What we’ve found is that it is possible to care for each aspect of the supply chain, be ecologically mindful, empower local communities and create unbelievably beautiful textiles,” Attar said. “COVID is painfully helping us globally to wake up to the fact that our Earth is indeed suffering; we are all interdependent. Our goal is to be a model and live the change we want to see in the world. May we look toward great souls like Mahatma Gandhi for guidance.”

Read this article in English and Spanish here.