Threads of Life. Khadi in Oaxaca / English Only.

Selvedge Magazine. July / August 2020.

The khadi movement is thriving in the Sierra Sur Mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. In the remote Zapotec village of San Sebastian Rio Hondo, women spin organic cotton on the Charkha, the wooden spinning wheel that was the embodiment of Gandhi’s vision for a new India. Khadi, the fabric of freedom is woven on backstrap and pedal looms with white or pre-Hispanic brown cotton grown on the Pacific Coast.  Truly honouring the dignity of labour, this dynamic community project is creatively uniting two rich textile traditions under the banner of Khadi. The nonprofit organisation started in 2010 with a spinning course on the charkha for 30 women and is now involved with over 300 people. The cofounders Marcos Cafe and his wife Kalindi share a strong connection with India and have both embraced conscious living.

Read Threads of Life. Khadi in Oaxaca here.